antipodes nature portfolio
antipodes nature
Antipodes Nature
Graphic Design
Graphic Design

The problem

When Antipodes, a cosmetics brand, approached us on August 24, 2022, they faced a significant challenge. Their product post designs were basic and failed to connect with the brand and audience. To solve this problem, they tasked us with creating distinctive, high-quality designs to improve product visibility and attract potential customers.

Our analysis

When tackling Antipode’s challenges, it became clear that the existing design lacked sophistication, which was impacting brand perception. We saw an opportunity to not only meet the immediate needs of our customers but also strategically position his Antipodes for sustainable growth in the cosmetics industry.

antipodes nature case study

The solution

Our team proposed a redesign strategy that focused on improving brand aesthetics and aligning with industry trends. Our skilled graphic designers created branded posts with vibrant green backgrounds and subtle shades, transforming Antipode's visual identity.

antipodes nature project

The results

This overall graphic design strategy aimed to establish a visually appealing brand identity, ensuring a lasting impact in the market. This led to a significant increase in engagement, making Antipodes a brand that not only offers quality cosmetics but also irresistibly presents them.

antipodes nature case study